Initial Discussion / Contract Agreement
An initial no-obligation discussion allows us to understand the aspirations for your project. We are able to take you through our general design philosophies and illustrate how these have been applied to our previous projects.
Concept Design
This stage involves deciphering opportunities and constraints within the proposed site or existing building, to develop architectural solutions at a conceptual level. The Client brief is given form and basic functionality with a combination of drawings investigating the space and site, as well as three dimensional concept images.
Developed Design
This stage involves a further refinement of the design. Final decisions are made so that all parties completely understand and are at ease with the design before starting the detailed documentation. At the conclusion of Developed Design, the building is sufficiently defined to give a clear understanding of the scope of work, costs and the architectural look and feel.
We can make a valuable contribution to your project before the design conception by helping to prepare a comprehensive brief and advising on project feasibility, including a preliminary analysis of the site and the relevant development controls. An Agreement for Architectural Services between Client and Architect is worked through together.
Preliminary Design - Resource Consent
The preferred concept is refined. The preliminary design is described using scaled plans and elevations. At this stage we recommend that a Quantity Surveyor is engaged to provide a Preliminary Estimate of Costs based on the drawings. Once an estimate of costs has been obtained, a Resource Consent (if required at this stage) may be applied for.
Detailed Design and Documentation - Building Consent
The Developed Design is further refined to produce detailed drawings and specifications that will allow a building consent to be applied for.

I entrusted Positive Architecture & Design Ltd with delicate prototype blueprints, and they did an excellent job.